1) What type of oven is the Mission Oven from Artistic Ovens?
Our ovens are your Pizza, Grill, Rotisserie and Fireplace all in one for an affordable price.
This gorgeous Ovens are 100% Artisan Handmade timeless in nature.
It comes in different colors with size and weight base foundation 44” / 1350 LB+/-, 36” / 900 LB +/-
Enjoy authentic homemade tasty food such as pizza, bread, grills, lasagna, rotisseries, casseroles and smoke your ribs.
Oven comes with an Inner refractory clay cooking area with a European certification for safety cooking.
Ovens originally handmade with an inner refractory clay coated with ceramic fiber blanket and internal refractory walls with a light concrete base, finished in projected stucco cork, equipped with a chimney system, thermometer and a solid hinge cast Iron or stainless steel door an affordable price. Outdoors wood burning oven available with option to work with gas.
2) What is the difference between our ovens and other factories?
The cooking area including floor and wall area is made of Refractory Clay with a European certification for safety cooking.
The clay core allows food to taste incredible.
Ovens comes build already with a stainless steel chimney pipe, hat and internal grill.
Ovens are full insulated. Allows Heat retention for hours.
Ovens comes with a solid robust hinge doors in Cast Iron or Stainless steel with three door compartments which allows you to perform different type of cooking and allow you to control the fire better and saver.
Doors are wide and tall, allowing performing double stacking levels of cooking or place big tray dishes such as turkeys or a big pot for casseroles.
This is the only cooking device you will ever need in your patio.
You can bake, grill, do your rotisserie and use it as an outdoor fireplace all in one. This is the last surviving cooking tool if gas and electricity is out. Our ovens look great in your patio.
Ovens are 100% Artisan product. HAND MADE. NO MACHINE MADE.
3) How do I order the oven?
You can order an oven through us at Wheeler Zamaroni – please call to inquire.
4) Do you have to Cure the Mission ovens?
Ovens require Curing Time 3 – 4 days. Heat up oven gradually. See Curing Time and Heating process. Even though the Mission Ovens are ready to work and are apparently dried, it is necessary to carry out a “cure” to remove and evaporated the moisture accumulated and trapped in the wall layers during the manufacturing of the oven. These consist of running small fires progressively for at least 3 to 4 consecutive days before cooking in it, which will minimize or avoid cracks inside and outside the oven. Note: This process should also be completed if your oven has not been used for a long time and water or moisture has been trapped within oven walls and base floors.
5) What type of wood can you use?
The type of hardwood logs are as follow: Use Kiln dried hardwood, or seasoned hardwood such as Oak, Mesquite, Ash, Almond, Cherry, Apple, Pear, Hawthorn, Hickory, Pecan Tree, Plum, Alder, Maple, Natural Mesquite Lump Wood natural charcoal. Do not use pine or woods that may have resin, briquettes or enhance charcoal, plywood or petroleum – chemicals, no painted or treated wood. Use small logs as much as possible to start fire.
6) How do you start the fire?
Please see section CURING TIME and EVERYDAY FIRE UP GUIDANCE in User Manual.
7) When the oven is ready to cook?
The elapsed time should be at least 1 to 1-1/2 hour depending on weather and how cool the walls of the oven are and depends of what type of cooking you are doing.
The temperature should be at least > 250 °C / 480 °F Good temperature to cook almost anything.
The interior of the oven must be clean, without the soot that is formed on the walls at the start of the fire. When all of these occur, the oven is ready to cook.
Note: Exception: If you are using the oven for Grilling only there is not need to perform the steps described before once the live coal or ember are ready start grilling.
We recommend after finish cooking clean the oven with the fire so all the soot gets removed from the walls so next time if you are grilling only your oven will be pretty much clean.
8) What can you cook?
Enjoy authentic homemade tasty food such as pizza, bread, grills, lasagna, rotisseries, casseroles and smoke your ribs.
9) How To Cook?
Your oven allows three different cooking methods: live fire, coals, and heat retention. All of them are easy to achieve, but practice is essential in order to obtain a perfect result. In this method the cast iron door and damper must be fully open; the fire must remain leaning against one side of the oven.
Live Fire The live fire is ideal for making fast dishes, which require very high temperatures, such as pizzas. Keep always half door open with live fire especially when temperature > 250 °C / 480 °F
Coals This method is similar to the live fire, but instead of running the fire, you will let only the hot coals inside. The cast iron door and damper should always remain open. It is suitable for baking, roasting or grilling (using a grid), and fast cooking that does not require high temperatures.
Heat retention It is perfect for roasts and breads. After heating the oven, remove the fire wood and embers; then, place the food inside and close the cast iron door and the damper. As the initial temperature is very high on some foods, such as fish or meats with skin, apply an aluminum paper foil on top of the roasts during the first 15-20 minutes.
IMPORTANT: Never use chemicals to heat or rekindle your oven as they may transmit improper flavor to food.
10) Can I use this ovens in my place / home?
Please check your local city and county for restriction on burning wood before purchasing ovens.
You can adapt a gas burner by www.vamparossa.com to this ovens. Use model M-0 for the Mission base 36″ and M-1 for the Mission 44″ base size.
11) Where can I place the oven?
Oven Location. The “rule of thumb” is at least 10 feet from any buildings or structures or items that can catch fire including wooden deck, but check with your local building department. Your Oven should be at least 10 feet from structures or items that can catch fire, including overhanging branches, wooden decks and fences. Chimney to be at least 2′ higher the highest point of a structure within 10′. So measure the height of anything within 10′ of the center point of the chimney/flue and then go at least 2′ higher.
12) How do you install these ovens?
These ovens are heavy; it will require lift equipment such as forklift, or a pick engine crane system. The ovens weight ranges in size 800 lb to 1400 lb +/-You will need tools such as pallet jack, heavy-duty utility flatbed cart. With weight capacity of 800 to 1400 lb, Check artistic ovens videos and pictures showing how it is done.
Metal stand with wheels are available and sold by Artistic Ovens that allow you to easily move the oven very easily around your home. You can use a engine picker to load this into the cart. (See videos online at artisticovens.com)
Ovens need to be secured to the base-floating frame after dropping the ovens on top of the frame to prevent oven from moving out of the frame and move only on smooth surfaces and short distances only. For example: Secure with a concrete screw anchor or “L” shape bracket on each side of the frame into the foundation of the oven up to 1–3/4″ deep using a ¼” concrete anchor with a drill bit 3/16″. Finally lock wheels and secure oven so it does not move.
13) Do these ovens crack?
Despite your best effort in curing and using your oven cracks may appear. Users must learn and understand the excitement nature of using a wood fire oven and the thermodynamics of heat. This includes that when heating the oven it may create natural cracks due to the heat application, moisture inside walls which will expand and retracts the ovens structure walls and joins that may create cracks on the exterior, interior walls, including dome, chimney structure and front exterior brick joints. Do not panic, this is completely normal and expected in all hand craft made refractory terra-cotta, cement, brick mortar wood fire pizza oven.These do not affect the normal functioning of the oven and are easy to patch if you wish. These cracks are inherent in the nature of the product and are not to be considered latent defects. These natural cracks and dilatations are natural in anything made of cement, clay, and brick seen in many structures such as buildings, bridges or chimneys. This is the reason we recommend to cure the oven slowly and progressively controlling the heat of the interior so all the compartments and joins of the oven settles better and allow the vapor and moisture to escape slowly from the walls minimizing cracks. The thermometer is used for reference purpose only. Temperature inside oven varies according where the fire is located. For accuracy use a temperature Laser gun. See oven care document, Curing Time and Everyday Fire up guidance process.
14) What quality control do you provide on this Hand Made ovens?
All ovens are thoroughly inspected before releasing it to vendors and customers. As a handmade/artisan product, all the ovens have their own rustic character look. This is the natural characteristic of the product including the interior, exterior features. The doors, including the stainless steel front panels, bricks comes in rustic artisan look design and finish. It is sold as is and these are not considered defective.
Ovens are sold as rustic and artisan handmade in character. Artistic Ovens Stainless steel front panels and doors are rustic in character look and design, therefore are not considered as defective material or workmanship. It is sold as is.
15) What is the logistic / transportation to get the oven in my location?
Order through one of our dealers, call Artistic Ovens to locate a dealer near you.
Inspect products when receiving, especially from freight cargo companies and prior to installation. Installation is acceptance of product. NO returns allowed once used. Please take photos when receiving materials and inspect the oven for visible damages on the crates and ovens. Do not accept products if it shows visible damages. Please contact the retail dealer store immediately. File a claim with transportation Delivery Company, contractor, and delivery agent.
Artistic Ovens is not liable for products mishandling during transportation by the customer’s own shipping arrangement, installation, usage and maintenance of the products. Only in writing upon Artistic Ovens approval customer will be able to return material on is original packaging intact and unused. Freight cost will need to be paid by customer to be returned. Installation and removing labor cost is not covered by Artistic Ovens.
Artistic Ovens disclaims any responsibility for damage caused to Artistic Ovens merchandize by anyone other than a shipping company chosen, arranged and paid for by Artistic Ovens, including but not limited to shipping companies arranged and paid for by you or your representative. In the event of damage to Artistic Ovens merchandize caused by you and your shipper, you must file any and all damage claims with your shipping company and/or insurance company.
16)How do I stop and control the fire?
Never use water to lower the temperature of the oven or to extinguish fire. This may cause damages to the oven structure.
If you find that temperature rose too much, sparse the wood fire inside the oven to control fire, remove it safely into a metal bucket. Worst case just close the doors and the chimney vent; it will stop the fire (NO OXYGEN – NO FIRE) after a few seconds remove some firewood into a safe place such as a metal bucket. Closing the doors while fire is way to high it may increase pressure in the oven for a short period and may create cracks in the oven. Use it as last option.
Remember: You can always add wood to increase temperature gradually. Use doors to control temperature and air flow.
When live heavy fire always keep the vent and doors open. Use less wood and add it as need it to increase temperature.
17) What are the return policy?
In general Sales are final, no returns. Artistic Ovens reserves the right to accept returns, only in compliance with specific terms, shipping cost plus restocking fee of 30% will be applied. The return is 30 days from pickup date in its original packaging intact, unused and status in which it was dispatched from Artistic Ovens.
18) What are Artistic Ovens Sales Term Conditions?
CHECK THE LATEST SALES TERM AND CONDITIONS IN OUR WEB SITE. https://www.artisticovens.com/catalog-manual
19) How to protect the oven?
Do not leave these ovens exposed to extreme weather such as snow or in wet and damp weather conditions. Protect ovens for longevity. Use the oven cover sold by Artistic Ovens or apply any other water proof cover to protect the oven for weather conditions such as rain, snow, ocean front. Do not expose oven to icing or wet-mopping the oven while it is still heated, this can cause damage/cracking to the oven floor.
Build a cover porch for the oven if you can. You may if you wish to touch up the exterior walls of the oven yearly to preserve its original look with the stucco paint kit and some other caulking cement products described in the (how to patch oven).
20) How to clean the oven?
The oven gets clean with fire. Once you heat up the oven to around 250 –275 (°C). The soot will start to disappear from the walls. Brush and scoop the ashes of the floor area when oven cools off. Use a metal bucket if wood coals are hot to remove it from the oven. Apply olive oil to the cast iron door to prevent rust. For the wood nubs, apply water base sealers to protect the wood from UV light.
21) Can I change the look of the exterior oven?
Exterior Color change: Yes you can change the color of your oven by applying exterior water base stucco colored paint. We suggest applying an exterior masonry paint that works with masonry walls with properties that allow for expansion and contraction. The original stucco that comes with the oven has cork particles. Get something with similar properties. NOTE: Before changing the exterior of the walls, please complete the Curing Time process. This will allow you to patch up any cracks before proceeding in changing the outside color.
Cover oven with another color paint, stone or structure around oven. You can use an exterior paint, but we do not recommend applying heavy structure stones or bricks on top of these ovens. Thin light tiles and light stone veneers will be okay but you will need to test and figured out the type of preparation and glue to prevent transfer of cracks to the final surface material. We do not have recommendations at this time regarding this direct resurface. For best results build a metal case around the oven not touching the oven walls and cover up with cement boards around and finish it up with decorative rocks, tiles. See artisticovens.com picture gallery. NOTE: Before covering the oven with another exterior walls, or resurface please complete the Curing Time process, Use the oven for a while then proceed to patch up any cracks if necessary before covering the entire oven if you wish.
22) How to patch your oven?
If you wish to patch up your oven before you start the process make sure that you read the patch up components instructions. The process is very simple, practice in other surfaces before using it in the oven.
Every oven comes with an exterior stucco paint patch kit, just for the exterior only to apply over small cracks that may show on the oven exterior walls. Note: Patch the oven when the oven is not hot. Check instructions on caulking and repair cement products before applying it. Cement patch caulking, high heat patch cement caulking and refractory cement is not provided with the ovens. You can get these at your hardware stores if needed. Patch the oven if desired only after completing the Curing time process. This will allow the moisture to be removed from the oven walls. Use some gloves and paint tape to mask and protect the pipe, bricks and stucco walls so it does not stain the surrounded areas.
Artistic Ovens is not liable for patching ovens or for the result of the patch. Please use commonsense and test the patch technique in small areas before applying to the entire oven structure. Ask a professional or call Artistis Ovens for customer support.
Enjoy your oven. Do not worry about minor cracks ignore them they are inherent, expected as part of the oven it is a sign of seasoned oven.
23) Does Mission ovens by Artistic Ovens come with a Gas burner?
No. These ovens do not come by default with the Gas burner.
Nevertheless ,You can install a gas burner by Vamparossa that works with our ovens. https://www.vamparossa.com/ so you can do gas or/and wood at the same time.
Most people do not need the gas burner. You can start the wood fire inside the ovens with a plumbing torche that you can get in your local hardware supply near you. This will start the fire very fast without generating to much smoke. Also it will help you restart the fire when need it. Get the one with the blue tank and self ignition trigger. Always read torche instructions for how to use it and savety guidances.